With our green park concept, we support the eco-green policy every day.

Our car park is equipped with tree-lined avenues that provide shade on a grassy, cool and soft ground, and aisles designed and finished with environmentally sustainable materials.

The strong point that characterises the green strategy of the Marive car park is the presence of trees, which, according to a recent study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, help to lower the temperature by about 10°C, thus reducing the heat emissions caused by the pollution of concrete roadways.

Marive has chosen this parking concept to preserve the ecosystem, to make the customer experience more immersive and natural, and above all not to break the harmony created with the adjacent San Giuliano Park, an area previously impoverished but subsequently redeveloped and turned into a green area.

European Mobility Week is the most important awareness-raising campaign proposed by the European Commission on sustainable urban mobility.

Thanks to the visibility given by the media, the Sustainable Week campaign is recognised as a force for sustainable urban mobility worldwide.

The Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security joins the European Mobility Week and coordinates the initiatives and events organised by municipalities and associations, with the aim of making Italy one of the countries with the highest number of adhesions at European level.